Saturday, April 23, 2016

Life Update!

Hello everyone,
I know it has been quite a while since my last post. Honestly, there hasn't really been anything blog post worthy recently, so I will give you a little update on life here in Eldon!

I was able to come home for Easter from March 24-28th! It went really fast, but I am really glad I got to come home for a few days! I was able to hang out with my friends, color easter eggs, and attend our Sillman Easter party!

 The week after Spring Break was a busy one! My roommate Martha moved out because she will be having her baby any day now! So, my friend and fellow AmeriCorps member Colleen moved in! It was a busy week of recovering from Spring Break and getting Colleen all settled into her new home! It has been a lot of fun having her 3 steps away from my room!

Colleen and I on Good Deeds Day!
Honestly, that is all that has happened in about the last month.... nothing too exciting!

This Friday is the last day of LEAP the afterschool program here. It will be so nice to be able to come home at 4 instead of 5:15! This Friday is also Preschool graduation! I am so excited to see my class in caps and gowns- I might die from cuteness overload! Even though they graduate, we still have school until May 18. We are down to only 17.5 days left of school which I can barely believe. I will miss my preschool friends and co-workers so much when my year of service is done.

After the school year is done, we also help out in summer school, which is from June 1-29. Summer school is only from 7:30-11:30 which will be very nice!
I have also signed up for 2 LCC online college classes this summer to get me back in the swing of school so I don't get my butt kicked in the fall!

July 1st is my official last day of service. As of today, I should be home in 70 days! Which is crazy to even think about. It seems like just a couple months ago I was packing my life up to come down here! Now to see if all of my stuff will fit in the van again on the way back....

Spring has sprung in Eldon as well. We have had a few rainy days this week, but I can't complain about the temperatures. Spring in MO is nothing like Sring back home- more like our summer!I am writing this as I sit on a blanket on my front lawn soaking up the 80-degree sun! June and July will be pretty hot- not sure if I'm looking forward to that or not....

That's all for now!
Aubrey :)