Monday, August 3, 2015

The move to Eldon

Hello everyone,
Sunday, dad and I took off for Eldon, Missouri at about 6:30. We had the van all packed up on Friday so we could enjoy the Sillman camp out and head out early Sunday.
It took us about 10, hours to get here. We arrived around 3:30 in Eldon. Eldon is one hour behind Fowler, so we picked up a little bit of time. We arrived, met my room mate's, unloaded, and unpacked. Then we went to Walmart to get some stuff for my room and to a grocery store for some food!

We checked out the town a little bit, there is a lot here! They have a Walmart, Gerbs(just like Kroger), Mcdonalds, Taco bell, a library and drive-in restaurants. We took my roommates out for dinner at one of the drive in places and it was very good!
Dad left at about 5:30 this morning to drive back home. I spend the day getting my room set up. We have a tour of the town at 2:30 with other Americorps members. 
The kitchen is still pretty messy because we don't have a lot of cabinet space. Here are some pictures!

The livingroom featuring Marth and Alyssa

The Kitchen

Aubrey :)


  1. Your house is so cute! Can't wait to hear more about life in Missouri!

  2. You are such a big girl now...a house, furniture, room mates!!! Fun stuff!! Keep the posts coming!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Can't see your recent blog....:(
