Sunday, October 18, 2015


This weekend Alyssa, Colleen and I went camping! I know what you are thinking.... camping on October? It was perfect and the fall leaves were so beautiful! The weather was a bit cool but all in all it was lovely. I would say it was probably 50 degrees most of the weekend.
We hiked, cooked some hot dogs, and hung out in hammocks! We even saw an Armadillo- but I was too slow to take its picture :(.
We stayed at the Lake of the Ozarks State Park pretty close to the water!

I've decided I need a hammock -hint hint Santa ;)

If you look very closely you can see an armadillo in the grass sorta.... ;)
Aubrey :)

Monday, October 12, 2015

Kansas City Renaissance Festival

Hello everyone!
Yes, I am still alive here in Missouri! Whenever I call my mom she says that people are always asking why I haven't had a blog post in a while! The truth is..... my life is not that exciting! For the most part, I wake up and go to school from 7-5. Come home make some dinner, maybe watch a little Netflix and get ready for the next day! Not exactly blog post worthy ;)
Usually a couple weekends a month I try to do something fun! When I do I will post about it I promise! :)
This weekend, my roommate Alyssa, and another Americorps friend of ours Colleen headed to Overland Park ( near Kansas City) for the weekend. Alyssa and Colleen are both from the area so we all went together. I stayed at Alyssa's house with her parents who were kind enough to house me for the weekend and their adorable pugs Carmen and Dory

Just look at that face!
We left Eldon shortly after we got out of school and arrived in Kansas City around 8:30 after a pit stop at Panera for some dinner!
Saturday morning we headed to the Kansas City Renaissance Festival which was our reason for going to KC for the weekend. I have to admit I had no idea what to expect or what I was getting myself into.
This place was huge! And there were way more people there than I expected. Almost everyone was dressed up and the people watching was amazing! People were dressed up as wizards, gypsies, kings, queens, knights, etc.  There was food, and people selling medieval trinkets of all kinds. 

The first thing we did was watch a mud show. Which was pretty much a comedy show then at the end they jumped into a big pit of mud. These guys were hilarious!

climbing the tower

the jump!

Next we wandered around a little bit just checking things out and trying to figure out what to do next

Also, there was a booth where you could throw rotten tomatoes at a guy which I thought was pretty funny.
Next, we went to another comedy show called Bodily Harm.
After that, we headed to mermaid cove and saw a real live mermaid ;)
I also turned into one
I thought this was a funny sign
Last on our list was the Joust. This was one of my favorites! It was really interesting to watch!

Then we checked out some presenters from a bird sanctuary. They had a hawk, eagle, owl and crow. We attempted to get a picture with the eagle, but either he wasn't looking or we weren't! You could also donate money and the crow would stuff it in the box (see video)

I used the feature on my camera again that takes video between pictures so that is what the video is from. it is a bit choppy sorry!

Aubrey :)