Saturday, May 21, 2016

Last Day of School

Wednesday was FINALLY the last day of school! I’m not going to lie, I had been counting down to this day pretty much since we got back from Christmas break. I don’t think that I thought about how hard this day was going to be for me. I didn’t think about the fact that I probably wouldn’t see my 20 preschooler’s faces every day- or maybe ever again-, receive their countless hugs, pictures, and requests to tie shoes every day. That really hit me the last week of school, I hadn’t realized how attached I had become to these kids.  It was just really strange to think about not seeing them again. I had spent the last 170+ school days learning all of their little quirks- their favorite color, what sets them off, and what makes them squeal with joy. I miss them already!
My goofy class!

 I also knew I would miss the other para pro I had worked with all year in our room Mrs. Porter. She is AMAZING! I really don’t know if I would have survived this year without her and our secret chocolate stash!
The lovely Mrs. Porter :)

I thought for sure I was going to cry the last day, and I almost did a couple of times, but I held it together. I didn’t want the kids last memory of me to be me crying because I would miss them because they didn’t really understand that  I wouldn’t be coming back.

School is out for summer! I survived the school year! June 1st starts summer school. I will be in a classroom with kids going into 1st grade. A couple of the students from my class will be at summer school so it will be nice to be able to see them at recess.
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This week after school was out we had to help revamp the Mustang Closet which is a place for students to get clothes from if they need them. We had to take all of the clothes out of a room, box them up, paint the room, unbox, sort, and tag the clothes so they could be distributed to the different schools. It made for a couple of very long days! But now it’s done and I have a 3 day weekend to relax!
Painting the Mustang Closet with Colleen
Next Thursday, my roommate Colleen and I will be heading to St. Louis! I AM SO EXCITED! It will be nice to get out of Eldon for a couple days and explore St. Louis. And I haven’t even told you the most exciting part yet…… Friday we are going to FEED OTTERS at the aquarium!!! I am obsessed with otters they are so cute. So not feeding otters was out of the question. 
Just look at that face!!
So be sure to keep your eyes peeled for another post sometime after memorial day!

We are also going to Chicago for 5 days in June! Lots of exciting things coming up! And only 42 days until I come back home to the mitten! :D
Aubrey :)

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