Tuesday, March 8, 2016

4 Things I Have Learned from 4-Year-Olds

This week (March 5-12) is AmeriCorps Week! I have taken it as a time to reflect on my service so far. I can’t believe it is already March. This year has seriously flown by! I can’t believe the school year is almost over already. I can honestly say that I will miss the kiddos I have had the pleasure of working with every day as well as the people I have worked with.
I have learned a lot from these little people so far, mostly things I never expected to learn from them.

Here we go 4 things I have learned from 4-year-olds!

To literally dance like no one is watching

During the winter, we were stuck inside a lot for recess. That meant we had a freeze dance party! Watching the kids bust a move and not care at all who was watching them or what other people thought of them made a lot of the winter days bearable. Their moves were unforgettable and unique to each kid. They didn’t care if they looked silly, they were having a great time. Caring what other people think has always been a big issue for me. I never want to let people down or make myself look foolish. My preschoolers have shown me that it’s ok to look silly and dance like a crazy person!

The little things are really the big things

I will never forget our field trip to the fire station earlier this year. For most of the kids, the most exciting part was being able to ride a school bus for the first time! They couldn’t believe how big the bus was on the inside and that we didn’t have to wear seat belts! Seeing how excited they were about something that seemed silly and boring to me really made me think about all the great things that happen on a daily basis that we don’t get excited about!
Another “little thing” that makes my day is all the huge I get! Especially when I am having a not so great day and one of the kids comes running up to me at the playground and almost knocks me over with a giant hug! Even though I almost fall to the ground, seeing how excited they were to see me makes it all ok!
I also get many drawings and scraps of paper on a daily basis. I love getting these pictures from them. Most of the time I have no idea what the picture is but I just smile and thank them for their hard work! Some even make it onto the walls of my room!

They are the funniest people on the planet

They truly are the funniest and most honest people on the planet. You never know what is going to come out of their mouth next. A lot of the time, it’s so hard for me not to burst out laughing about the things that come out of their mouth. Hearing the jokes that they make up on the spot and they think are absolutely hysterical are one of my favorite parts of the day. The best joke I have heard so far is: “Why did the chicken cross the road? To poop on the trucks windshield!!!!” :D

Sitting with them at lunch is quite enlightening. I get to hear all of their nonsense jokes, all about their dogs, their favorite toys at home, and who they are going to marry. Oh to be 4 again!

To be a kid again

I think one of the most important things I have learned from my preschoolers is how to really be a kid again. As a kid, I couldn’t wait to grow up. Now that I am a “grown up” (kinda) I would love to be a kid again! Watching these guys play at recess and run around in their little make believe worlds makes me so happy and really wish I could be that age again. Sometimes they “invite” (more like force), me to play with them. At first I was very reluctant, but eventually I gave in. I have played zombies, zombie dinosaurs, jail, tag, and hide and seek at recess. I have to say it is quite fun to be a zombie dinosaur. Or to play hide and seek with 20 kids in a big open play ground- hiding can be quite a challenge when they all want to hide with you. It’s so funny when we start a game of hide and seek with 4 kids, soon I have 20 kids running behind me looking for a hiding spot. Playing these games has enabled me to get to know the kids from the other classes as well which I love!

There you have it! 4 things I have learned from 4 year olds!

I have to say being in AmeriCorps and working with these 4 year olds everyday has taught me way more than I ever imagined. I am so glad that I made the life changing decision to take the giant leap of faith and move to Eldon for my year of service. It is one I will never forget!  ‪#‎IAmAmeriCorps

Aubrey :)

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