Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Dachau and Munich

Well, it is safe to say that jetlag is still kicking my butt! We went to bed early last night and I slept in this morning until almost 10:30! We left our bed and breakfast around 11 and headed to Dachau to check out the concentration camp.
We arrived around 12 and man was it hot! We spend about an hour and a half walking around checking things out. I really don’t have a whole lot to say about it. It was something that wasn’t exactly fun, but I am so glad we did it. I think it is something that everyone should see. It is one thing to read about a place where thousands of people died in a history book, but it is another thing to walk where they walked and see the gas chambers and crematorium where they probably died. It was a very eye-opening thing to experience.

The camps entrance

Prisoners lockers



Used to be rowss of barracks but was tore down


Gas chamber

The cremetorium

The gate- "work will set you free"

We left Dachau around 2 and headed towards Munich. We were going to try to park and head to the English Garden to check things out, but we could not find a parking spot anywhere. We drove around for probably 20 minutes and found nothing. By this point, we were almost 3 miles away from the English Gardens. Frustrated, we headed to our hotel for the night. Tonight we are staying in a “cocoon.”  About a mile outside of Munich.
We checked in and got settled and headed out to check out the city. We started out in the Marienplatz which is like their town square with shops, restaurants etc. It is all pedestrians so we don’t have to fear the cab drivers- they are crazy over here!

 We were starving so we went in search of a good place to eat. We came across Augustiner Brau of Munich. I tried to be adventurous and try something new so I ordered herring with apples and onions in sour cream and butter potatoes. I was expecting the herring to be battered and delicious- but it was nasty! It was cold! The apples and onions in sour cream tasted like pickles which I hate. I think from now on I will stick to the spaetzle. Mom ordered saur kraut and brats and she said it was very good! Mom and I both got a beer as well.

After we ate we headed back to the Marienplatz to the New Town Hall to check out the glockenspiel that goes off at 5. I think it tells a story but we couldn’t really see it that well from where we were standing but it was still fun to watch. 

After watching the glockenspiel, we checked out the churches of St. Peter, and St. Micheal. We weren't supposed to take pictures.... but I snuck a few. The churches here are incredible!
The ceiling of St. Michaels

St. Peters

 Then, we climbed up to the top of St. Peters- all 304 steps! The steps were very narrow only one person could go at a time. Thank goodness it wasn't too busy. 

Claustrophobia setting in!

After getting a nice birds eye view of the city, we headed to Haufbrau House for another beer and pretzel. The secret is to go upstairs- much less crowded and much cooler on a hot day! Mom got the Radler- a beer with lemonade and very good! I got a Muncher Weisse- not my favorite. We also got a pretzel which was very disappointing. We saw a waitress downstairs with pretzels as big as our heads, but ours was very small and crunchy- not at all what we were expecting. But, we did manage to find a giant inflatable pretzel at a souvenir shop on out way back!

All in all a good day!
Tomorrow we will spend a little more time in Munich, then head to Rothenburg!

Aubrey :)

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