Saturday, July 25, 2015

Sankt Goar/ Spangdahlem

This morning we enjoyed out last German continental breakfast at the Rheinhotel. Then we did a little bit of shopping and said goodbye to Sankt Goar.

Our awesome hotel manager
We attempted to go hike the ruins of the Rheinfels castle, but of course it was raining so it was too slippery so they closed it. :(

Instead, we decided to check out Burg Eltz castle on our way to Spangdahlem. After seeing Neuschwanstein, Eltz did not really impress me. The tour inside the castle was better than Neuschwanstein because you could see a lot more. But scenery wise, Neuschwanstein kills it. You can see for miles. Eltz is kinda in the middle of nowhere. 

After checking things out at Eltz, we finished our drive to Spangdahlem to the US Air Force base where we will be staying for the next 2 nights. 

We went to the BX to get some of dads favorite pizza- Anthonys- which was pretty good! We tried to buy some souvenirs as well, but because dad is retired they wouldn't let us which doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

When mom and dad were stationed here 26  years ago, they lived in an apartment in a town called Orenhoffen, about 10 minutes away from the base. So, we decided to go see where they used to live and mom wanted to see if her old landlords still lived there. She knocked on the door, and sure enough they did! So we visited for a couple of hours. Anita is the sweetest little lady!

Mom and Anita

The apartment

This used to be American Video where mom worked
Then we stopped to get some dinner at an Italian place near base. Wow was it good! Mom got cordon bleu and I got gnocchi.

After dinner, we made our way back to base to kick back and relax a little bit. Tomorrow we head to Belgium for waffles and Luxembourg just for fun!
Aubrey :)

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