Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Black Forrest

We got up this morning at 5:30 and packed up our stuff and headed out of our apartment! It was very small, but it worked out great!

The shower

Goodbye, Paris :(

We met a cab outside our room and headed to the train station to catch out 7:06 train to Saarbrucken, Germany. While we waited for our train we had to have one last French food. I thought I was getting a Nutella filled donut, but when I bit into it it was filled with applesauce. I was disappointed, but it actually tasted pretty good. Mom got another chocolate chip croissant.

 After that, we boarded our train and we were off to Germany! The train went pretty fast, it only took us 2 hours, it would have taken 4 by car. Sadly, I left my Paris hat in the train, I am still mourning the loss. I didn’t even have it for a full day! :,(
Then we took a taxi from the train station to pick up our rental car. Then we were on the road! We drove about 2 hours to the town of Triberg. We found the world’s largest coo-coo clock and looked around at the shop.

Then we explored the town a little bit and got a bite to eat. We had some trouble in the parking garage, almost died a few times, and were happy to get out of Triberg alive and without any dents in the rental car! 
Then we headed to our bed and breakfast for the night. Was that an adventure! It is about 2 miles out of town. We thought we were never going to make it! The road is very narrow and winds through all the hills. I don’t know what would happen if we met another car on the road….let’s hope we don’t find out.  We even passed some cows on the way up grazing right next to the road!

We made it to the hotel and checked in- they speak pretty much all German, so trying to communicate is a lot like playing charades. We put our things in our room and decided to take a nap- jet lag is beginning to kick in. 

Our room

After about a 3 hour nap (whoops) we decided it was time for some dinner. We ate at the bed and breakfast and it was very good! Mom got pork cutlet with spätzle and vegetables and I just got spätzle- pretty much noodles with a creamy sauce- very good.

 Then we went to check out the “hot springs”. Mom was very excited about the hot springs so when we saw what it looked like we were pretty disappointed. It is very green and doesn’t really look like something I would want to swim in so we decided to just relax in the chairs next to the “hot spring” for a little bit.

Then we walked around a little bit and now we are ready to hit the hay! 

Mom waving hello

Tomorrow we head to Reutte, Austria!
Aubrey :)

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