Thursday, July 16, 2015

Europe Trip 2015 Day 2 Toronto :(

As promised, we ordered room service at the Crown Plaza, our unintentional hotel for the night. We woke up at 10 o clock to a knock on the door. Can you guess what it was? Our breakfast!!! Mom ordered a breakfast burrito and since we weren’t in Paris, I ordered croissants and rice crispies. Both were pretty good! 
My breakfast!

After our lovely room service, we had about 6 hours to kill before heading to the airport. We wondered around a little bit and found a dumb waiter at the end of our hallway.... it was calling our name! Mom tried to make me ride it town the hotel but I didn't want any part of that, so we settled for a couple pictures instead. 

Next, we took a nap, watched some TV and got ready for our flight. Around 4 we went to the lobby to get some lunch. Since we still had money from the airline, we decide to get weird things that we wouldn’t normally try. We split fried rice with tofu- which was delicious- and a spinach, pear, and walnut salad with a cherry vinaigrette. I know we are getting pretty fancy. Although the salad sounds odd, it was very good as well!

After our lunch, we hopped on the shuttle to the airport. After getting lost many times in the airport, we finally found our gate and settled in. Our flight was supposed to leave at 7:30, shocker here- it was delayed again! Needless to, say we probably won’t be flying Air Canada again anytime soon. We didn’t get to board the plane until about 9:30. Once we got on the plane everything went smoothly. We even had our own screens to watch movies on which made it go by pretty quickly. We finally arrived at the Paris airport around 4:30 am Michigan time, and 10:30 am Paris time. What a long night with very little sleep! 
Beautiful sunrise this morning!

First glimpse of France

Pooped out

Here is a short video from today! Tomorrow will have lost of pictures and a little video! :)

Aubrey :)

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