Monday, July 20, 2015

Reutte, Austria

Hello, everyone!
Today was another busy day! We started our day with a continental breakfast at our bed and breakfast outside of Triberg. It was AMAZING! They had everything you could ever want for breakfast including fruit- which we haven't had in almost a week, it has never tasted better- and according to mom, the best scrambled eggs she has ever had. She tried to ask the chef what his secret was, but he had no idea what she was saying so we were out of luck! After breakfast, we packed up and got a picture with the cute little bed and breakfast owner. Isn't she just adorable???

We were back on the road! We were headed to Konstanz- which we thought was in Switzerland but it wasn't! We parked the car- in a handicaped spot, but mom was still proud of herself for parallel parking. Don't worry we moved!
We kind of stumbled on Konstanz, but it turned out to be a very cute little town. There was a humongous church in the center of town- I mean huge! It was so pretty!

The ceiling

The altar

After checking out the church, we were in search of ice cream since we never found any in Paris. I got raspberry and mom got pineapple.

Then we just wandered around the town trying not to get too far away so we could find our car! The buildings were so bright and colorful!

Getting out of Konstanz was a mess! It was very busy and cars were buzzing around everywhere! We did manage to make it to Switzerland- for about 5 minutes.

 Then, out GPS circled us back around and took us on a ferry. Yes, a ferry! We drove onto it having no idea where we were or where we would be getting off. We just hoped it made our drive shorter. At least it was pretty! Then, we were finally back on the road: our destination: Reutte, Austria!

Lake Konstanz- which separates Germany, Austria, and Switzerland

Everything was going well until we ran into a traffic jam. We were pretty much at a standstill and couldn't figure out why. So we went around a way that was blocked off thinking we were being all sneaky- we ended up next to a parade route- no wonder there was a traffic jam. A nice worker got us back on the right track to Austria and told us the parade was 2 hours long!
Then we were on the Autobahn and got in another traffic jam! We tried to outsmart the Tom Tom again and take a different way, but we ended up on a very narrow road with people whizzing by us, which was very scary! We eventually ended up in a random Austrian town where some lady was apparently taking her cows for a little stroll in the middle of town- that was something to see!
The cows at the town water fountain

But, we did make it to our hotel without going back onto the Autobahn. TomTom:0 Deb:1.
We made it to our hotel, checked in and got settled. Then we decided to head up to check out a couple castles and the world longest suspension bridge! Right as we were heading out, a storm rolled in so we headed back down to find something to eat. Because it was Sunday, pretty much all restaurants are closed so we had Mcdonalds :( By the time we finished eating, the storm had cleared up and we were able to go check out the castles and the worlds longest suspension bridge. It was a very long, steep, and tiring hike but totally worth it! The view was spectacular!

Found a lizard on the hike up!

And a slug that was probably 4 inches long...gross!

The things I do for a picture....

Checking out the bridge

Conquered the bridge!

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